CQRS stands for Command Query Responsibility Segregation. CQRS guides us to separate our logical implementations into 2 categories like 'Commands', 'Query'. The 'Commands' specifies the operations like creation or updating of data into the data source(database). The 'Query' specifies the operations to fetch the data. In CQRS models(Request/Response classes) are independent or owned by a single operation, which means model classes can not be shared between the different 'Commands' or different 'Queries' or between a 'Command' and 'Query'. From the diagram one thing to observe Request/Response model(optional), that's because some times we will use query parameters or return a simple scalar type in those cases we won't create models. Create .Net5 Web API: To implement the CQRS pattern let's create a sample .Net5 Web API application. Configure Entity Framework Core Database Context: For this demo, I had created