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Showing posts with the label NestJS-Technology

NestJS JWT Auth Cookie Series - Part-2 - Generating Access Token

In this article, we target to generate the jwt authentication and store it in the HttpOnly cookie for user authentication.  Part-1  completely explains implementing user registration in the nestjs application. Implement Logic To Validate User Credentials: First, let's create a model to store the valid user. src/models/current.user.ts: export class CurrentUser { userId: number; firstName: string; lastName: string; email: string; } Now we have to implement the logic for the login endpoint that is to validate user email and password. src/users/users.service.ts: public async validateUserCredentials(email: string, password: string):Promise<CurrentUser> { let user = await this.user.findOne({ email: email }); if (user == null) { return null; } const isValidPassword = await, user.password); if (!isValidPassword) { return null; } let currentUser = new CurrentUser(); currentUser.userId = user.userId;

NestJS JWT Auth Cookie Series - Part-1 - User Registration

This is the first installment of the NetsJS JWT Auth Cookie Series. In this part our main focus on user registration by the NestJS endpoint. PostgreSQL Database: For this demo, I'm using the free open-source PostgreSQL database. Here I'm going to use the PostgreSQL docker image because it is easy and fast to set up and configure.  Click here to getting started with PostgreSQL docker . Run the following database query to create the 'User' table. CREATE TABLE User( UserId SERIAL PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, FirstName VARCHAR(200) NULL, LastName VARCHAR(200) NULL, Email VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL, Password VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL, RefreshToken VARCHAR(1000) NULL, RefreshTokenExp DATE NULL ) Create A NestJS App: Let's begin our demo by creating a sample NestJS application. Command To Install NestJS CLI npm i -g @nestjs/cli Command To Create App nest new your_project_name Install ORM And PostgreSQL NPM Packages: ORM packages are essential to install because they prov

A Small Guide On NestJS Queues

NestJS Application Queues helps to deal with application scaling and performance challenges. When To Use Queues?: API request that mostly involves in time taking operations like CPU bound operation, doing them synchronously which will result in thread blocking. So to avoid these issues, it is an appropriate way to make the CPU-bound operation separate background job.  In nestjs one of the best solutions for these kinds of tasks is to implement the Queues. For queueing mechanism in the nestjs application most recommended library is '@nestjs/bull'(Bull is nodejs queue library). The 'Bull' depends on Redis cache for data storage like a job. So in this queueing technique, we will create services like 'Producer' and 'Consumer'. The 'Producer' is used to push our jobs into the Redis stores. The consumer will read those jobs(eg: CPU Bound Operations) and process them. So by using this queues technique user requests processed very fastly because actually

NestJS API File Operations Using Azure Blob Storage

In this article, we are going to use Azure Blob Storage for all file operations like uploading, downloading, and deleting files from the NestJS API endpoint. Azure Blob Storage: Azure blob storage is Microsoft cloud storage. Blob storage can store a massive amount of file data as unstructured data. The unstructured data means not belong to any specific type, which means text or binary data. So something like images or pdf or videos to store in the cloud, then the most recommended is to use the blob store. The key component to creating azure blob storage resource: Storage Account:- A Storage account gives a unique namespace in Azure for all the data we will save. Every object that we store in Azure Storage has an address. The address is nothing but the unique name of our Storage Account name. The combination of the account name and the Azure Storage blob endpoint forms the base address for each object in our Storage account. For example, if our Storage Account is named as 'myazur

NestJS File Upload

In this article, we are going to understand the steps to create a file uploading endpoint in the NestJS application. Key Features In NestJS File Upload: Let us know some key features of NestJS file upload before implementing a sample application. FileInterceptor: The 'FileInterceptor' will be decorated on top of the file upload endpoint. This interceptor will read single file data from the form posted to the endpoint. export declare function FilesInterceptor(fieldName: string, localOptions?: MulterOptions): Type<NestInterceptor>; Here we can observe the 'fieldName' first input parameter this value should be a match with our 'name' attribute value on the form file input field. So our interceptor read our files that are attached to the file input field. Another input parameter of 'MulterOptions' that provides configuration like file destination path, customizing file name, etc. FilesInterceptor: The 'FilesInterceptor' will be decorated on t