The main objectives of this article are: Create A HTTP Delete Endpoint In API Project Consume HTTP Delete Endpoint In Blazor WebAssembly Application. Create A HTTP Delete Endpoint In API Project: Let's add a method definition like the 'DeleteSuperHeroesAsync()' method in the 'ISuperHeroesService'. API_Project/Services/ISuperHeroesService.cs: Task<int> DeleteSuperHeroesAsync(int id); Let's implement the 'DeleteSuperHeroesAsync()' method in the 'SuperHeroesService.cs' API_Project/Services/SuperHeroesService.cs: public async Task<int> DeleteSuperHeroesAsync(int id) { await _myWorldDbContext.SuperHeroes.Where(_ => _.Id == id).ExecuteDeleteAsync(); return id; } Here using entity framework core method 'ExecuteDeleteAsync' for deleting the item from the database. Invoke The HTTP Delete Endpoint In The Blazor WebAssembly Application: First, let's create a delete confirmation popup for that let's create a new comp