In this article, we will implement the CQRS Design Pattern in the NestJS sample application. CQRS: CQRS stands for Command Query Responsibility Segregation. CQRS guides us to separate our logical implementation into 2 categories like 'Command', 'Query'. The 'Commands' specifies the operation like creation or updating of data into the data source(database). The 'Query' specifies the operations to fetch the data. PostgreSQL Database: For this demo, I'm using the free open-source PostgreSQL database. Here I'm going to use the PostgreSQL docker image because it is easy and fast to set up and configure. Click here to getting started with PostgreSQL docker . Run the below command to create an example table for a demo like 'Person'. CREATE TABLE Person( Id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, Name Text NULL, Age INT NULL ) Create A NestJS Application: Let's begin our demo by creating a sample NestJS application. Command To Install NestJS C