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Showing posts with the label Minimal API

Minimal API 'Result.Stream()' Return Type[.NET6]

In this article, we will know about a Minimal API return type that is 'Result.Stream()' Result.Stream(): The 'Result.Steam()' can be used to deliver the stream of data as a response from the Minimal API endpoint. For example on consuming a third-party API from our minimal API endpoint, a common approach is to read the response from the third-party API and then deserialize the response and finally return the response using 'Result.Ok()'. But using 'Result.Stream()' return type we can directly return the stream of third-party API response without deserializing. Create A .NET6 Minimal API Project: Let's create a .Net6 Minimal API sample project to accomplish our demo. We can use either Visual Studio 2022 or Visual Studio Code(using .NET CLI commands) to create any.Net6 application. For this demo, I'm using the 'Visual Studio Code'(using the .NET CLI command) editor. CLI command For Minimal API Project dotnet new webapi -minimal -o Your_

Different HttpClient Techniques To Consume API Calls In Minimal API[.NET6]

In this article, we are going to implement different HttpClient techniques to consume API calls in minimal API. The different HttpClient techniques that we are going to explore are like: Register HttpClient Object Explicitly In DI(Dependency Injection Service) Named Client Type Client HttpRequestMessage Object Create A .NET6 Minimal API Project: Let's create a .Net6 Minimal API sample project to accomplish our demo. We can use either Visual Studio 2022 or Visual Studio Code(using .NET CLI commands) to create any.Net6 application. For this demo, I'm using the 'Visual Studio Code'(using the .NET CLI command) editor. CLI command For Minimal API Project dotnet new webapi -minimal -o Your_Project_Name Create A Third Party API Response Model: Here I'm going to use a free third-party rest API that is "". So to receive the response let's create a response model like 'Post.cs'. Program.cs:(Add Post.cs c