In this article, we will understand the pagination in the Vue3 application using the '@ocrv/vue-tailwind-pagination' plugin. Key Features Of Plugin: current - The 'current' property to set the current page number. total - The 'total' property that represents the number of records for the table content. So based on this 'total' property value, the total number of page numbers display depends. per-page - The 'per-page' property to set the count for the records to display for each page. page-changed - The 'page-changed' event that raises on selecting the page. It outputs '$event' which is nothing but the selected page number. Create A Vue3 Sample Application: To implement our pagination sample let's begin by creating a Vue3 sample application. Command To Create Vue3 Application: Vue Create Your_Sample_App_name Install Tailwind Pagination NPM Package: Tailwind Pagination NPM Package Command: npm install --save @ocrv/vue-ta