In this article, we are going to understand the process for the integration of date picker in the VueJS 3.0 application using the 'vue3-datepicker-lite' plugin. An Overview On vue3-datepicker-lite Plugin: The key features of the 'vue3-datepicker-lite' plugin are as follow: value - This property to capture the selected date value or to set the default selected value. class - The class property to add a custom design to the date picker. id - The id property added to the HTML rendered date picker element. locale - The 'locale' property is a javascript object literal, where we can configure buttons and date picker days labels. value-changed - This event gets triggers on date value selection. Create A Sample VueJS 3.0 App: Command To Install Vue CLI Globally On Your System: npm run -g @vue/cli Command To Create Vue App: vue create your_application_name After creating a sample application run the following command to start the application. Command To Run Vue