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Showing posts with the label Azure

A CRUD Operation Demo On NestJS Using Azure Cosmos DB

In this article, we are going to implement  CRUD operations into the NestJS application using Azure Cosmos DB. Azure Cosmos DB: Azure Cosmos DB is a fully managed NoSQL database. NoSQL says data will be stored as a key/value JSON document. Cosmos DB provides 'High Availability' and 'Low Latency' for any application. Cosmos DB is very quick in response delivering, auto-scaling, effective auto failure management, etc. Any existing application that works on different DBs can be easily migrated to Azure CosmosDB as it provides APIs for integration like 'SQL/Core API'(most recommended API, our demo uses this 'SQL/Core API'), 'MongoDB API', 'Cassandra API', 'Germlin API', 'Table API'. Let's understand the structure of the Cosmos DB: Create an Azure Cosmos Account with an appropriate subscription inside of the Azure portal. After creating the Cosmos Account, we can manage the data of our account by creating 'Database'

A Demo To Consume Azure Cosmos DB By .Net6 Web API

In this article, we will implement a .NET6 Web API that consumes the Azure Cosmos DB. Azure CosmosDB: Azure Cosmos DB is a fully managed NoSQL database. NoSQL says data will be stored as a key/value JSON document. Cosmos DB provides 'High Availability' and 'Low Latency' for any application. Cosmos DB is very quick in response delivering, auto-scaling, effective auto failure management, etc. Any existing application that works on different DBs can be easily migrated to Azure CosmosDB as it provides APIs for integration like 'SQL/Core API'(most recommended API, our demo uses this 'SQL/Core API'), 'MongoDB API', 'Cassandra API', 'Germlin API', 'Table API'. Let's understand the structure of the Cosmos DB: Create an Azure Cosmos Account with an appropriate subscription inside of the Azure portal. After creating the Cosmos Account, we can manage the data of our account by creating 'Database', 'Containers', an

Use Azure Cache For Redis In NestJS Application

In this article, we are going to do a small demo on the integration of Azure Redis Cache into the NestJS application. Redis Cache: Redis is an open-source in-memory data structure store, used as a database, cache. It supports data structures such as strings, hashes, lists, sets, stored sets with range queries, etc. Let's understand the flow of Redis cache in a web application: Users request a page from the web application. Web application queries the Redis store, if the data exists, then fetches the data and returns the response directly to the user. If no data is in the Redis store, the application queries the database and fetches the data, next save the same data into the Redis store so that subsequent user request can consume the data from the Redis store directly, finally returns the response to the users. Create A Azure Redis Cache: Step:1 Create and sign-in into the Azure portal( Step:2 On the Azure portal home page click on 'Create a resourc