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.NET Core Distributed SQL Server Cache

Introduction: A caching that can be shared or consumed by the multiple apps servers can be called a Distributed Cache. Distributed Cache is an external service, which increases the performance and scalability of applications. The advantages of Distributed Cache are like: No effect on the cache server on an application crash. No need to use local memory. Consistency in serving cached data around multiple applications. In General, Distributed Cache can be achieved by using Redi's Cache, SQL Cache, Third Party Cache Libraries. Here we will learn about .NET Core Distributed SQL Server Cache. Create A .NET Core WebAPI Project: Create a sample .NET Core Web API application to test the Distributed Cache. You can use either Visual Studio 2019 or Visual Studio Code editor, here I'm using Visual Studio Code.  Click here to know basics steps to use Visual Studio Code for .NET Core applications .  SQL Table For Cache: To store the cache data we need a table. So .NET

Blazor Server CRUD Operations

Introduction: Blazor Server is a web framework to develop server-side single-page applications. Blazor is made up of components with the combinations on C#, Html, CSS.  Blazor Server is production-ready from the .Net Core 3.0.  Blazor Server Working Mechanism: Blazor Server is a very light-weight web development framework.  In Blazor Server, not all code gets downloaded to the client browsers. Blazor Server made of components these components can be a block of code or page with respective navigation.  Blazor server application communicates with the server with a SignalR background connection which is inbuilt functionality. Application click,  form submission, change events, application page navigation every operation is carried out by the SignalR connection by communicating with the server.  Blazor updates the Html DOM very gently on every data update without any overhead. Blazor Server application maintains a nice intelligent tree structure to update the required inform

How Response Caching Works In Asp.Net Core

What Is Response Caching?: Response Caching means storing of response output and using stored response until it's under it's the expiration time. Response Caching approach cuts down some requests to the server and also reduces some workload on the server. Response Caching Headers: Response Caching carried out by the few Http based headers information between client and server. Main Response Caching Headers are like below Cache-Control Pragma Vary Cache-Control Header: Cache-Control header is the main header type for the response caching. Cache-Control will be decorated with the following directives. public - this directive indicates any cache may store the response. private - this directive allows to store response with respect to a single user and can't be stored with shared cache stores. max-age - this directive represents a time to hold a response in the cache. no-cache - this directive represents no storing of response and always fetch the fr