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Angular(16) CRUD Example | Search | Sorting | Pagination

In this article, we will implement an Angular(16) CRUD sample. Angular: Angular is a front-end framework that can be used to build a single-page application. Angular applications are built with components that make our code simple and clean. Angular components compose of 3 files like TypeScript(*.ts), HTML File(*.html), CSS File(*.css) Components typescript file and HTML file support 2-way binding which means data flow is bi-directional. The component typescript file listens for all HTML events from the HTML file. Create Angular(16) Application: Let's create the angular(16) application to accomplish our demo. Now install the angular CLI command on our local machine. If your system already installed angular CLI to get the latest angular application just run the following command again so that angular CLI gets updated. npm install -g @angular/cli Run the below command to create an angular application. ng new project_name While creating the app CLI requires few inputs from us

Part-3 |Blazor WebAssembly[.NET 7] JWT Authentication Series | Implement Blazor AuthenticationStateProvider & Invoke Secure Endpoint Using JWT Access Token

The main objectives of this article are: Implement Blazor WebAssembly AuthenticationStateProvider Invoke Secure Endpoint Using JWT Access Token AuthenticationStateProvider: In Blazor WebAssembly user authentication information can be accessed using the 'AuthenticationStateProvider'. Install 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Authorization' Package In Blazor Application: Let's install the 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Authorization' package in to our 'Blazor WebAssembly' application. Install 'Blazored.LocalStorage' Package In Blazor Application: To interact with browser's localstorage we have to install the 'Blazored.LocalStorage' package in the Blazor WebAssembly application. Now register the service in 'Program.cs' Program.cs: builder.Services.AddBlazoredLocalStorage(); Implement AuthenticationStateProvider In Blazor WebAssembly Application: To create user authentication context we have to implement the 'Authe