The main objectives of this article are:
- Implement HTTP Post Endpoint.
- In Blazor WebAssembly Create A Form
Implement Insert Logic In Service Files In API Project:
Let's add a method definition like 'CreateSuperHeroesAsync()' in 'ISuperHeroesService.cs'
Task<SuperHeroes> CreateSuperHeroesAsync(SuperHeroes newSuperHeroes);Let's implement the 'CreateSuperHeroesAsync()' in 'SuperHeroesService.cs'
public async Task<SuperHeroes> CreateSuperHeroesAsync(SuperHeroes newSuperHeroes) { _myWorldDbContext.SuperHeroes.Add(newSuperHeroes); await _myWorldDbContext.SaveChangesAsync(); return newSuperHeroes; }
- Here we save the new item into the database.
Create HTTP Post Endpoint In API Project:
Let's add a new action method i.e HTTP Post endpoint in our 'SuperHeroesController.cs'
[HttpPost] public async Task<IActionResult> PostAsync(SuperHeroes newSuperHeroes) { var result = await _superHeroesService.CreateSuperHeroesAsync(newSuperHeroes); return Ok(result); }
Add A Form To Create New Item In the Blazor WebAssembly Application:
Add a new blazor component like 'AddSuperHeroes.razor' in 'Pages/SuperHeroes'(folder).
Let's invoke the HTTP Post endpoint in 'AddSuperHeroes.razor'.
BlazorWasm_Project/Pages/SuperHeroes/AddSuperHeroes.razor:(HTML Part)
@page "/superheroes/add" @inject HttpClient Http @inject NavigationManager navigation <div class="ma-6 d-flex justify-center"> <MudChip Color="Color.Primary"> <h3>Create A New Super Hero</h3> </MudChip> </div> <div class="ma-6 d-flex justify-center"> <EditForm Model="@superHeroesFormModel" OnSubmit="CreateAsync"> <MudCard Class="d-flex justify-center" Width="800px"> <MudCardContent Class="d-flex flex-column"> <MudTextField Label="Name" Class="mt-2" @bind-Value="superHeroesFormModel.Name" For="@(() => superHeroesFormModel.Name)" /> <MudTextField Label="Image URL" Class="mt-2" @bind-Value="superHeroesFormModel.ImageURL" For="@(() => superHeroesFormModel.ImageURL)" /> <MudSelect Margin="Margin.Dense" Class="mt-2" T="string" Label="Franchise" Variant="Variant.Text" @bind-Value="superHeroesFormModel.Franchise"> <MudSelectItem Value="@("dc")">DC</MudSelectItem> <MudSelectItem Value="@("marvel")">Marvel</MudSelectItem> </MudSelect> <MudField Label="Gender" Class="mt-2" Variant="Variant.Text" InnerPadding="false"> <MudRadioGroup T="string" @bind-SelectedOption="superHeroesFormModel.Gender"> <MudRadio T="string" Option="@("male")" Color="Color.Primary">Male</MudRadio> <MudRadio T="string" Option="@("female")" Color="Color.Primary">Female</MudRadio> <MudRadio T="string" Option="@("others")" Color="Color.Primary">Others</MudRadio> </MudRadioGroup> </MudField> <MudButton Variant="Variant.Filled" ButtonType="ButtonType.Submit" Color="Color.Primary" Class="mt-2">Primary</MudButton> </MudCardContent> <MudCardContent Class="d-flex"> <div class="d-flex justify-center"> <MudImage ObjectFit="ObjectFit.Cover" Height="200" Width="250" Src="@superHeroesFormModel.ImageURL" Elevation="25" Class="rounded-lg" /> </div> </MudCardContent> </MudCard> </EditForm> </div>
- (Line: 1) Using '@page' directive defined route like '/superheroes/add'
- (Line: 2) Injected the 'HttpClient' instance
- (Line: 3) Injected the 'NavigationManager' instace.
- (Line: 5-40) Rendered our create form using mudblazor component.
- Here '@bind-value' value enables 2way binding with text field and dropdown component
- Here '@bind-SelectedOption' enables 2way binding for radio button group component.
- (Line: 12) The 'EditForm' is the blazor form component, we have to assign a model for the form by decorating the 'Model' attribute. Here form submission registered with 'OnSubmit' event.
@code { SuperHeroesVM superHeroesFormModel = new SuperHeroesVM(); private async Task CreateAsync() { await Http.PostAsJsonAsync<SuperHeroesVM>("/api/superheroes", superHeroesFormModel); navigation.NavigateTo("/superheroes/home"); } }
- Here 'SuperHeroesVm' model is our form model, which we registered with 'Model' attribute of 'EditForm'.
- Here we invoke the HTTP POST endpoint where we pass our form model as the payload.
- After saving the item we will navigate to 'AllSuperHeroes.razor' component.
Configure 'Add' Button In AllSuperHeroes Component:
Now let's add the 'Add' button in AllSuperHeroes component.
@page "/superheroes/home" @inject HttpClient Http @inject NavigationManager navigation; <MudContainer Class="ma-4"> <div class="d-flex ma-2 justify-center"> <MudFab Color="Color.Primary" Label="Add" @onclick="@(() => {navigation.NavigateTo("/superheroes/add");})" /> </div> <div class="d-flex flex-wrap justify-center"> @foreach (var item in allHeroes) { <MudCard Width="250px;" Class="ma-2"> <MudCardHeader> <CardHeaderAvatar> <MudAvatar Color="Color.Secondary">@item.Id</MudAvatar> </CardHeaderAvatar> <CardHeaderContent> <MudText Typo="Typo.body1">@item.Name</MudText> </CardHeaderContent> </MudCardHeader> <MudCardMedia Image="@(item.ImageURL)" Height="250" /> <MudCardContent> <MudText Typo="Typo.body2">Franchise - @item.Franchise</MudText> <MudText Typo="Typo.body2">Gender - @item.Gender</MudText> </MudCardContent> <MudCardActions> </MudCardActions> </MudCard> } </div> </MudContainer>
- (Line:3) Injected the 'NavigationManager' instance
- (Line: 6-8) Configure the 'Add' button on clicking the button we will navigate to 'AddSuperHeroes.razor'.
(Step 2)
(Step 3)
In the next article, we are going to implement the Update Operation.
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Wrapping Up:
Hopefully, I think this article delivered some useful information on the.NET7 Blazor WebAssembly CRUD sample. using I love to have your feedback, suggestions, and better techniques in the comment section below.
Video Session:
Part-2 | Blazor WebAssembly | .Net7 API | MudBlazor | CRUD - Create API Project
Part-3 | Blazor WebAssembly | .Net7 API | MudBlazor | CRUD - Implement Read Operation
Part-3 | Blazor WebAssembly | .Net7 API | MudBlazor | CRUD - Implement Read Operation
Part-5 | Blazor WebAssembly | .Net7 API | MudBlazor | CRUD - Implement Update Operation
Part-6 | Blazor WebAssembly | .Net7 API | MudBlazor | CRUD - Implement Delete Operation
Part-7 | Blazor WebAssembly | .Net7 API | MudBlazor | CRUD - Sorting
Part-6 | Blazor WebAssembly | .Net7 API | MudBlazor | CRUD - Implement Delete Operation
Part-7 | Blazor WebAssembly | .Net7 API | MudBlazor | CRUD - Sorting
Part-8 | Blazor WebAssembly | .Net7 API | MudBlazor | CRUD - Implement Search
Part-9 | Blazor WebAssembly | .Net7 API | MudBlazor | CRUD - Implement Pagination
Part-9 | Blazor WebAssembly | .Net7 API | MudBlazor | CRUD - Implement Pagination
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