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Ionic Picker Sample Code In Angular

Introduction: Ionic Picker(ion-picker) is a popup slides up from the bottom of the device screen, which contains rows with selectable column separated items. The main building block of ion-picker as follows: PickerController PickerOptions PickerController: PickerController object helps in creating an ion-picker overlay. create(opts?: Opts): Promise<Overlay> PickerController create method helps in create the picker overlay with the picker options PickerOptions: PickerOptions is a configuration object used by PickerController to display ion-picker. Single Column Ionic Picker: single.item.picker.ts: import { Component } from "@angular/core"; import { PickerController } from "@ionic/angular"; import { PickerOptions } from "@ionic/core"; @Component({ selector: "single-column-picker", templateUrl:"single.item.picker.html" }) export class SingleItemPicker { animals: string[] = ["Tiger&quo

Null Response Behaviour In DotnetCore WebAPI

What HttpNoContentOutputFormatter Do? In DotNet Core Web API by default configured with HttpNoContentOutFormatter. When a NULL result is passed to the 'OK()' method in API, the client consuming that API receives status code 204(NO Content Found) without any response, instead of status code 200 with response NULL value. Sample API endpoint:(returns the NULL result) [Route("Test")] [HttpGet] public IActionResult Test() { string result = null; return Ok(result); } API Result: Returning status 204 is an ideal response for NULL results. But if you want to receive a NULL response with status 200 we can do by removing this HttpNoContentOutputFormatter. Startup.cs:(ConfigureServices method): services.AddControllers(options => { options.OutputFormatters.RemoveType<HttpNoContentOutputFormatter>(); }); API Result: Follow Me: Facebook Twitter Pinterest

Dotnet Core GraphQL API Authorization

Introduction: GraphQL API Authorization can be done by implementing GraphQL.Validation.IValidationRule . By implementing IValidationRule we have to implement our own custom rules for validating queries. So we can implement our own custom logic for authorization. IValidationRule is the perfect way of implementing authorization because these rules always get executed prior to the query execution. Here we are going to implement a sample of GraphQL API protecting it by creating claims-based authorization. To know more about  GrapQL API Integration In Asp.Net Core Application Click Here. Identity Server4 Token Based Authentication: In this sample, we are going to use token-based authentication by IdentityServer 4. If you want you can use any other authentication type like cookie authentication or OAuth2.0 or Microsoft Login Identity.  Click here for Identity Server4 Sample Source Code . Dotnet Core Web API Verify IdentityServer4 Authentication Token: Let's create a Do

Generic Typed Components Using Templated Components In Blazor

What Are Templated Components? : One or more UI templates as a component parameter of type RenderFragment or RenderFragment<T>. A RenderFragment represents a chunk of UI to render. RenderFragment Parameter: RenderFragment parameters render the chunk of UI in a component. RenderFragment type parameter name must match with Html tag element. Pages/Card.razor(Html Portion): <h3>Card</h3> <div class="card text-center"> @CardHeader @CardBody @CardFooter </div> Pages/Card.razor(@code Portion): @code { [Parameter] public RenderFragment CardHeader { get; set; } [Parameter] public RenderFragment CardBody { get; set; } [Parameter] public RenderFragment CardFooter { get; set; } } @CardHeader, @CardBody @CardFooter are Templated Component parameters of type RenderFragment. Pages/Index.razor: <Card> <CardHeader> <div class="card-header"> My Templa

Introduction To Blazor Components

Introduction: A Page or Form or Dialog is used to construct a Blazor Application are made of Components. A Component is a block of code consist of C# + HTML + CSS. Components give the advantage of code splitting, nesting, and reusability. In this journey, we are going to explore Blazor components with sample examples. Blazor Or Razor Component: Blazor components can be called Razor Components because they implemented in a Razor file(.razor). In general, the component is a combination of  C# @code block and Html UI of Razor syntax. A simple component with c# code and Html as below: Pages/Parent.razor: <h3>Hey I'm Parent Component</h3> @code { } Component Naming Convention: Blazor Components should always start with a capital letter. Trying to create a component name with a small casing letter leads to a compilation error. Example create a component as 'Pages/parent.razor' result error as below @code block: C# @code block is lik

Asp.Net Core MVC Form Validation Techniques

Introduction: Form validations in any applications are like assures that a valid data is storing on servers. All programing frameworks have their own individual implementations for form validations. In Dotnet Core MVC application server-side validations carried on by the models with the help of Data Annotations and the client-side validations carried by the plugin jQuery Unobtrusive Validation. jQuery Unobtrusive Validation is a custom library developed by Microsoft based on the popular library  jQuery Validate . In this article, we are going to learn how the model validation and client-side validation works in Asp.Net Core MVC Application with sample examples. Getting Started: Let's create an Asp.Net Core MVC application project using preferred editors like Microsoft Visual Studio or Microsoft Visual Studio Code. Here I'm using Visual Studio. Let's create an MVC controller and name it as 'PersonController.cs' and add an action method as bel